Thursday, February 19, 2009

Technology and Illiteracy…

Technology has become a major part of our society, and it is only expanding and becoming an even bigger part of everyday life. I remember being in elementary school where most of the daily "chores" teachers were required to do such as taking attendance were done on paper. In my first year of middle school, I noticed that the teachers no longer used the same ways of taking attendance: everything was being done on the computers and had to be sent in by a certain time. A lot of teachers complained, and those were probably the ones that weren't very familiar with technology...
In my opinion, it is not okay for teachers, especially nowadays, to be technologically illiterate. There are way too many changes being made from pen and paper to computers for a teacher that doesn't understand how to do it properly. That doesn't mean that a teacher should know how to do everything on a computer, but basic skills should be understood. Many new software programs are available now, and a lot of the information would be beneficial to students, but if a teacher doesn't get technology, it's unfair to the students. All teachers should make it a point to understand technology.

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