Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My EDM 310 Blog Assignments are Now Complete

Good luck to everyone! It was a pleasure getting to know a little bit about everyone in the class!

Friday, April 17, 2009

EDM 310

We covered a lot in this class, and I learned a lot!

Blog--I really like the idea of using a blog when I teach. I had never blogged before, but I have come to really like it.

Presentation--I think that once I start teaching this could help my students get to know each other. I never knew that Google even had this program, and it was easy to use.

Google Docs--This FREE tool is very easy to use and neat. You are a little limited to what you can do with it, but it's free! I really like this.

Spreadsheets--I knew a little bit about spreadsheets because my dad uses them for his computer business, but I have never created one of my own for anything. I didn't realize how much you can do with them.

Picasa--I have used this before this class, and I really like it. It's fun to be creative with pictures to make them look better.

Podcast--The podcasts really made me think about the topics that everyone discussed. I learned a lot from everyone in their podcast.

Twitter--I really don't like Twitter mostly because I don't see how it can be useful to me.

Other Teachers/Students--It's good to know that there are so many helpful people out there that can give really good advice and provide great resources for teachers.

iTunes--I have used iTunes many times, but I had no idea how much was on there related to education. It's very cool and useful.

Professional--I am glad that we had to make a professional blog because I plan on using it when I'm ready to find a job.

Google Forms/Data Bases--These are both neat tools that I really feel like I can use as a teacher. The data base is an easy way to collect data like contact information for each student.

Google Earth--I knew about this and have played around with it before. I think it's a cool program.

Delicious--I really don't know much about this because I think I was absent for it, but I searched it on Google. I saw how it was showing the most popular bookmarks for websites I'm guessing...Seems somewhat useful...

ACCESS/ALEX--Both were very good resources that I know I will use when I teach. I would have never known about them had it not been for this class.

Foliotek--I have never used this before. It appears to be a modern way of keeping up with classwork. It looks hard to me since I have never used it, but I am sure it is easy for those that are familiar with it.

I have really learned a lot of valuable information in this class--the blogging idea is my favorite. I also enjoyed learning about everything Google has to offer because I had no idea. The iGoogle page is something I love, too.

I feel as though there are things I learned about that I will never use, but I am glad that I know about them. It's amazing how many resources there are out there if you just look!

Possibilites for Interaction

I went back and looked at the syllabus and realized I didn't follow directions with this assignment...I talked to a teacher in Virginia who actually used to babysit me when I was really little. She called to talk to my mom one day, but she wasn't home so I talked to her for 20 minutes and asked how she was using technology in her classroom. She listed the typical things teachers use: computers, laptops, and projectors. She mentioned how she uses the projector to show certain websites to her students because it seems to help them understand what she's talking about with certain subject material. She also said they have laptops for the students to use which has proven to be helpful especially when they're researching information. She said she was thinking about a class website, but she hasn't made one yet.


To be completely honest, I didn't really do much to learn about Twitter. I have had an opinion on it since I was first introduced to it, and I've stuck with that opinion. It is hard for me to visualize how I can use this once I start teaching. I think it is too time consuming. I feel as though I just can't keep up with all of the tweets, especially with school and work. It's overwhelming how many tweets can been posted in just an hour, and if you aren't online, you miss so much.

I really haven't taken the time to get involved in twittering. I think I only tweeted twice. I am following quite a few people, and I read some of their tweets when I log on, but I still find it hard to keep up with everyone. I even added a Twitter gadget to my iGoogle page. I can never think of anything to tweet about or even who to direct the tweet to.

Twitter is also a little confusing to me with all of the different commands and ways to talk to a specific person or group publicly or privately. I know that I shouldn't have a negative attitude about something I really haven't even tried, but I just don't see how it can be useful to me. Who knows--maybe one day I'll be twittering...

Podcast Improvements

The podcasts we did in class were all great, but each and every one of them could be improved in some way or another. After listening to a few, including mine, I noticed a few things that could have been better and made the podcasts better than they already are.

The main thing that I think every group should have done was plan ahead and be more prepared. It is easy to see which groups practiced and which groups did not practice. Each member of the group should research the subject being discussed and really think about things to say.

I also think the groups should make sure they are speaking loud enough, clear enough, and just enough in general. Some podcasts had the same few people talking with other members not saying much at all. The podcasts are supposed to be conversational, so everyone should be involved. The groups need to make sure they aren't reading right off of their notes.

Plusses and Minuses of Blogs in a Classroom

After reading other classmates' blogs, I can tell that they learned a few new things by blogging just like I did. Before this class, I had never blogged a day in my life. I had really always been against the idea because I never really saw a point in it. I couldn't see how blogs could really be useful in a classroom, but after this class, I see that they really could be somewhat useful.

I have thought of a few positive things about blogs being used in the classroom. I think they are a good way for students to keep up with assignments. They may even be used for keeping in touch with the parents. It's also a way for students to learn new and interesting material. Students can also use blogs as a way to enhance writing, reading, and even computer skills.

There are also a few negative things about using blogs in the classroom, though. First of all, not all students may have a computer or have access to one. In my opinion, it would be kind of hard to use blogs in the classroom when teaching the youngest ones in elementary school: parents may not want their young child on the internet. Blogging may become a distraction for some, too.

I did, in fact, learn a lot from blogging in my EDM 310 class. I'm glad that I was introduced to blogging because it opened my eyes to new ideas when I begin teaching. I never realized how many resources there are out there for teachers.

Mindsets: Growth vs. Fixed

In this podcast found in iTunes, Carol is discussing the differences between children and adults with different mindsets. She talks about three different groups: kids in school, racing drivers, and businesses/managers. It's an interesting video that makes you think a little.

When she discusses kids in school, she mentioned how some believe that basic intelligence is a fixed trade which makes people like her who do research very concerned. She says that kids who believe that ask themselves "Will I look smart?" and they base activities on whether intelligence will be shown. Others think intelligence can be developed through studying and education. A study was done where they developed an eight-session workshop. 1/2 of the kids got study skills and a growth mindset, and the other 1/2 had just study skills. The results showed that the grades declined in the group with just study skills. Teachers could pick out the growth mindset group.

She also mentioned racing drivers. She researched to see if drivers can benefit from growth mindset. She talks about how races last for hours, and mistakes are inevitable. She says the difference with drivers who win and who lose is what they do with those mistakes. Drivers with a growth mindset are able to enter the zone and stay in the zone.

For businesses, she says flexibility of a growth mindset is essential to success. People need to admit mistakes and overcome them because they can't keep up with the changing world if they can't grow and learn. She feels that a person cannot be a good manager if he/she does not have a growth mindset. She says that some are curious to learn and some just want to feel smart.

I think it was an interesting podcast in the sense that it talks about something you wouldn't normally think about. As a teacher, it makes me realize I should try and make sure all of my students will have a growth mindset because you never really stop learning. Kids should want to learn and be interested in learning more.