Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The ACCESS website has a PowerPoint presentation that provides useful information about the program. I learned a lot about what ACCESS is and their goals and visions for improving student achievement. According to their presentation, ACCESS provides high-quality classroom courses and teachers, via technology. It recognizes that limited course offerings is a problem: it is a barrier to improvements in education in the state of Alabama.
ACCESS uses distance learning--teachers and students are separated and do everything online through a web-based style of learning and technologies such as video conferencing. The presentation points out how the online approach is beneficial in ways: it extends resources, professional development, and the professional community beyond the local school. There are pilot sites available to provide feedback or suggestions for improvements.
In my opinion, this is a good program because it extends possibilities for those students really interested in excelling. It may have some disadvantages, but it seems as though the advantages outweigh them. As a future teacher, I would like to see some students become interested in such programs.

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